Netion Micro Module Data Room Helps Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum PublishTime : 2023-04-08

Recently, the micro module data room customized by Netion for the Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum has successfully passed the acceptance of the expert group and received unanimous praise from users, which will help the intelligent and digital construction process of the museum.


Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum, also known as Jingdezhen Chinese Ceramic Museum, is the only professional sex museum of ceramic art and the national first-class museum with the earliest museum and rich collection of porcelain since the founding of New China. The Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum officially opened in January 1954, receiving an average of nearly 100000 visitors annually.

As of January 2019, the Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum has a collection and display of around 20000 famous works produced in different historical periods of Jingdezhen since the Neolithic Age, including over 500 national precious cultural relics. The exhibition content is divided into "History Part", "New China Part", and a special exhibition hall.

Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum is a patriotism education base in Jiangxi Province, an advanced unit for comprehensive management of cultural system, an advanced unit for cultural relics survey and database management system construction project in Jiangxi Province, a popular science base in Jiangxi Province, and a national popular science education base.

Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum actively promotes the integration of digital economy and cultural and creative industries, deeply explores IP value, and is committed to building the cultural and creative industry into a new driving force for economic development, a new engine for consumption growth, and a new window for urban image. It makes cultural and creative products an extension of museum exhibitions and a new contact point for the museum and the general public.

In promoting the digitization process, the Jingdezhen China Ceramic Museum has honed its internal skills in intelligent management. On the one hand, the museum vigorously promotes the digital collection, management, and application of its collections. Through the use of advanced technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, the collection has become "intelligent", laying a solid foundation for the construction of digital museums and smart museums, and realizing the online and offline opening and sharing of cultural relics resources. On the other hand, with the characteristics of high-tech interactive exhibitions such as sound, light, and electricity, various high-tech interactive exhibitions are organically integrated with the theme, allowing the audience to experience a new level.


Netion follows the development and trends of the market, stands at the forefront of technology, takes professionalism and innovation as its market strategy, develops and lays out data center infrastructure positions in advance, and develops several application scenarios that integrate large, medium, and small data centers based on different industry needs and application environments.

Netion’s innovative small and medium-sized integrated computer room products are based on the design concept of "productization of integrated computer rooms". In the physical space of standard cabinets, they integrate functional modules such as uninterrupted power supply, refrigeration, intelligent distribution, fire protection, environmental monitoring, and wiring management, creating a highly reliable operating environment for core equipment such as servers. They can also achieve flexible deployment of the system according to user business expansion needs, and can be widely applied to governments Fields such as healthcare, finance, education, commerce, manufacturing, etc.

Features of Netion Micro Module Data Room:

★Efficient and energy-saving

●The front and rear cold channels of the cabinet are closed to improve the cooling efficiency of the air conditioning.

●Variable frequency compressor, matched with load size, reduces overall efficiency.

★Stable and reliable

●Support N+1/2N design to ensure stable operation of IT equipment.

●Emergency fans serve as emergency cooling.

●Stable operation of ultra wide voltage input, with power protection functions such as phase sequence detection.

●Intelligent call self start function.

●Low temperature components or long connected pipe components can be selected to ensure reliable operation of the unit in more severe on-site conditions.

★Fast delivery speed

●Factory prefabricated, quick on-site splicing, plug and play.

●Standard modular construction, easy deployment, fast deployment, no impact on later expansion, and a 50% increase in delivery target speed.

★ Intelligent control

●Local display on a 10 inch large touch screen, not occupying the U position.

●Can manage intelligent devices such as UPS, air conditioning, power distribution, and non intelligent devices such as temperature and humidity, smoke detectors, and access control.

●Through the WEB interface, remote comprehensive monitoring of unmanned computer rooms can be achieved, ensuring stable and reliable remote monitoring of the computer room to achieve unmanned or few people on duty, providing strong guarantees for efficient management and safe operation of the computer room.

★Flexible and diverse

●The cabinet is the computer room and can be flexibly placed.

●The standard configuration is a dual closed cold and hot channel, or a single closed cold channel.